Event box

Bilingual Pajama Storytime / Cuentos Bilingües en Pijamas

Bilingual Pajama Storytime / Cuentos Bilingües en Pijamas In-Person

Snuggle up to a good book at the Houston Public Library’s Pajama Storytime. Wear your pajamas and bring your bedtime friend as we soothe you into an evening storytime. Registration is required and will open two weeks before the event. To view all available HPL storytimes, please visit the HPL Events page. 

Acompáñanos para cuentos en pijama en la Biblioteca Pública de Houston ¡Los invitamos a que traigan su pijama puesta y un peluche mientras te arrullamos con una hora de cuentos! Registración es requerida y el evento es disponible dos semanas antes del evento. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 Show more dates
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Time Zone:
Central Time - US & Canada (change)
Meeting Room
Stanaker Neighborhood Library
Age Group:
  Kids (5-10 yrs)     Preschool (3-5 yrs)  
  Storytime & Play  
Registration has closed.
